funny facts about kissing

Kissing is a complex behaviour that requires significant muscular coordination; just one kiss needs a total of thirty four facial muscles and 113 postural muscles. Kissing is a form of intimacy and it's a way to show affection to your lived ones.

In Africa people don't seem to have mastered the art of kissing, as a result they end up just moving their mouths in funny manners.

Africans seem to struggle with kissing, mostly because no one taught them how to and practicing with a pillow is viewed as a silly behavior.

Here are some funny facts about kissing:

1. The scientific name for kissing is philematology.

2. Just kissing can burn off 26 calories in one minute.

3. The average person spends two weeks of their life kissing.

4. Ancient Romans kissed each other in the eyes or mouth as a greeting.

5. Victorian etiquette, in the UK required a man to kiss the back of a ladies hand.


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