Our beautiful universe

Although we think of the planets as orbiting the sun, this isn't technically tge case. Rather, the planets and the sun orbit their center of gravity, which is called the barycenter. For most of the planets in our solar system, the barycenter is located inside the sun.

There are millions of galaxies in the universe, it it hard to believe that their could be other living organisms out there. Other spices, other civilisations out there it is both scary and amazing that we are not alone.

Our universe is and amazing, wonderful and incredible place beyond imagination. Don't forget, we are surrounded by and part of the miraculous beauty constantly. To everyone who is reading this regardless of where you were born, how much money you have, your religion, the color of your skin or your political affiliation, I want you to know that I recognize that you are a miracle. To illustrate this truth here's an exerpt from " Floating in darkness."

"It strikes me that the first step to participate in a miracle is to recognize the miracle of your own life. If we stacked all the probabilities that you would be you, we would arrive at the mathematical certainty that you  are a miracle of incomprehensible statistical proportion. We are all miracles. Ever person we encounter every day is a miracle. But we perceive others as miracles only when we see the beauty and  joy  they bring into the world. We need to embrace the certainty that everyone we encounter is a miracle , even the person that flips us off in traffic, the telephone scammer and the troll who spews nonsense on the internet. Underneath all our human imperfections is a perfect miracle."

I will do my best to find common ground in all whose opinions I disagree with. As I see this planet we call earth is a wonderful piece of art and the universe its self is a true miracle. One can just wonder what is out there and how it got there.


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