
Best Instagram posts

2020 has been a rough year, without a doubt a lot of people went through tough times during the year. But in every storm there is a silver lining. There had been a lot of pictures on Instagram and most of them made headway through out the year. NOTE: All women are beautiful in their own right. There is no accurate measure for beauty. This list is based on internet searches and Instagram posts. There are a lot of beautiful women in the world, from every single part of the globe, there are beautiful women. With different countries comes different cultures, and that leads to different types of beauty. Some amazing personalities while others have good hearts, but all in all there I different types of beauty both inside and out.  Today I did some research on the best posts I could find on the web. I found a lot of pictures out there but I can't post everything. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

funny facts about kissing

Kissing is a complex behaviour that requires significant muscular coordination; just one kiss needs a total of thirty four facial muscles and 113 postural muscles. Kissing is a form of intimacy and it's a way to show affection to your lived ones. In Africa people don't seem to have mastered the art of kissing, as a result they end up just moving their mouths in funny manners. Africans seem to struggle with kissing, mostly because no one taught them how to and practicing with a pillow is viewed as a silly behavior. Here are some funny facts about kissing: 1. The scientific name for kissing is philematology. 2. Just kissing can burn off 26 calories in one minute. 3. The average person spends two weeks of their life kissing. 4. Ancient Romans kissed each other in the eyes or mouth as a greeting. 5. Victorian etiquette, in the UK required a man to kiss the back of a ladies hand.

The most expensive car in the world

Vehicle technology has come a long way ever since the wheel was first invented. Many car brands have been formed to produce quality cars to people all over the world. Technology in the vehicle industry has dramatically changed in the past twenty years. Car manufacturers like Lamborghini are taking the lead in car production, coming up with some truly powerful cars. Tesla has also not been left behind in the industry, they are the most popular car brand that manufacturers electric cars. There are several types of cars that are powered by different engines for example, electric powered cars, diesal powered cars and hybrid cars. Today I am going to share a new car, called H6 Guerriera vision that could possibly hit the market this year. The car is set to be the most expensive vehicle on the planet, but the price tag has not been realised yet to the public. Let me know in the comments what you think of the car. .

DC Comics vs Marvel Comics

There are some super hero characters that are so powerful they seem almost unbeaterble due to their incredible power.  Between marvel and DC Comics who do you think has the most powerful hero? Some of this character's powers are almost equal one can only wonder who would win if the two heroes went head to head. Many people love and enjoy watching and reading this characters save the world but it would be even better if they collided with each other. King Kong vs The Hulk Iron man vs Optimus Prime TMNT vs Batman Hulk vs God of war   These characters are evenly matched, it will be difficult to predict who will win their respective battles. But there has to be one who is stronger faster and smarter.

Our beautiful universe

Although we think of the planets as orbiting the sun, this isn't technically tge case. Rather, the planets and the sun orbit their center of gravity, which is called the barycenter. For most of the planets in our solar system, the barycenter is located inside the sun. There are millions of galaxies in the universe, it it hard to believe that their could be other living organisms out there. Other spices, other civilisations out there it is both scary and amazing that we are not alone. Our universe is and amazing, wonderful and incredible place beyond imagination. Don't forget, we are surrounded by and part of the miraculous beauty constantly. To everyone who is reading this regardless of where you were born, how much money you have, your religion, the color of your skin or your political affiliation, I want you to know that I recognize that you are a miracle. To illustrate this truth here's an exerpt from " Floating in darkness."

Top 10 most beautiful twins in the world

Twins are so adorable since you have another human being looking identical to you. Twins are so beautiful, whether identical or non-identical twins, they are always a blessing to their parents because they have an unbreakable twin bond. Having twins is always an opportunity for parents to dress up their identical children in matching clothes and outfits. This modern fashion is trending in all social media networks, with people loving the why twins look so adorable in their matching outfits. Most people fantasize about having a twin because it's a really cool opportunity for them to play tricks on people, by pretending to be each other. It's always a blessing to have someone to watch your back whenever you're in need, and who is the best to do so than your identical sibling. It may not be easy financially, especially for new couples to have twins since it is an unplanned event. But in my point of view twins are always a blessing not only to their parents but also

The largest and longest vehicles in the world

The world of technology is ever  developing, with new technologies being invented every single day. New and more advanced vehicles are being invented and revealed to the public. Some are extremely large while others are so long, they defy the known laws of automobiles. In this ever changing world of ours, people are constantly looking on new ways of creating new and more interesting inventions that will leave all the rest in the dust. As the world battles global warming, car manufacturs and developers are constantly looking for new and interesting vehicles. The end up coming with the most astonishing car designs never seen before on the road. Today I am going to show you the world's biggest cars and the longest luxury vehicles ever invented, there is a high possibility that you won't be able to see one of these cars on the road since they are limited. The longest car on the planet This car is one of the longest vehicles on the planet, the car has 20 wheels. That'